In Malcolm Gladwell's book Outliers, Gladwell writes ordinary people can have extraordinary success through 10,000 hours of practice.
Tom Brady & Michael Jordan are fantastic examples. Both of these athletes were | Are great, likely always have been but it also took practice, dedication, and incredible drive (SISU)
Brady was a Back-Up his first two years and the University of Michigan and only drafted to the NFL in the 6th round. Michael Jordan failed to make his high school varsity team as a sophomore and played junior varsity.
It is a sure thing that both of these Super Stars are well over 10000 hours. Just take a look at the attached video.
I will never be Brady or Jordan, but I am working on 10000 hours. Currently, I am 9360 hours in on creating a fantastic #CTV #Streaming company. I have been making every excuse to succeed- that means developing skills, finding the best digital, data, inventory, and client partners.
I am going over 10000, that is just a starting point.
Need help with your next CTV campaign? Please put my hours to work for you.
Is the Tom Brady video real or fake?
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